Friday, 12 November 2010

Poem: A Secret Enigma

A Secret Enigma

There are secrets behind everything,
Every face and every smile,
Each action of yours or mine,
Secrets, they shroud each and every thing.

As I look into that damsel’s eyes,
There lies a secret behind why last night she cried,
And now when I turn to look at a friend of mine,
There is a story behind that long drawn sigh.

As I gaze upon the mountains tall,
There is a story and secret as to why they’re there,
And buried under them are fossils from a sea long dead,
To unravel it be inquisitive,
And enquire how, why, when and where?

There is a secret behind why she’s a troublesome child,
An abusive father,
Or an absent mother?
There are always secrets,
And secrets explain everything.

There is a secret behind everything,
The world and why it was created amongst other things,
Does God exist or does She not?
Is there a pattern behind our flow of thoughts?

The intricacies in the web of life,
What holds it up and keeps it alive?
Does the universe hold planets just like earth,
Or are they so plentiful that there is no dearth?

Some secrets are meant for hiding,
While some are shared between a you and me,
Some secrets remain because there is no proof,
And no one has cared to uncover the truth.

But secrets are meant for keeping,
As long as it’s good they do,
And after all, secrets are secrets,
What fun would it be if everyone knew?

Mukund Palat Rao (November 11, 2010)