Wednesday 15 August 2012

India's sixty sixth year of independence

On the occasion of India's Independence Day and exactly a week before I leave India to pursue my master's I only thought it fitting that my post be about India.

Poem: The India that I dream of

The India that I dream of
is one where no one needs to sleep hungry
the India that I dream of
is not limited to narrow metrics like the GDP and the Gini
but, is an India where a certain satisfaction and dignity of life is assured
the India that I dream of
is a country where her people are happy, and children educated
the India that I dream of
is one where you cannot be evicted from your land and your livelihood stolen
because you stand in the way of this certain idea of  ‘development’
but one where will only move out of your own vocation
the India that I dream of
is one where any religion (or none) can be practiced
without fear and with one’s head held high
the India that I dream of
is one where we can also accept a contrary option
and everyone’s concerns are taken care of
the India that I dream of
is not a military superpower
but a country strong enough to defend herself if need be
the India that I dream of
is a country which allows you to be different
the India that I dream of
is one where we are at peace
not just with ourselves but also with those around us
but most of all the India that I dream of
is one where all her children are truly free.
Mukund Palat Rao
(August 15, 2012)