Saturday 1 January 2011

A bit about me

A bit about me

I must start by wishing you a very happy new year.
Till now I have made a deliberate effort of not using the blog as a medium or format to air my personal views. I have always just posted my articles or poems and kept other everything else at a bare minimum. I do understand that most people wouldn't really care to read about the daily happenings of my rather mundane life.

If that is so please don't read further and skip this post and move on to the next one. The next post is my latest poem.

On the other hand if could bear to read a bit about my ramblings please continue. (Don't say I didn't warn you) I now present to you a list of my New Year resolutions. The reason I am doing this is because I feel that writing them down and presenting them to the world would be a good source of motivation for me to actually abide by them. It would always be there at the back of my mind that someone might turn around and ask me, 'Hey, Mukund. You had made these New Year resolutions right? Now half the year's is over. What have you done about them?'

Here I am presenting my resolutions in the order of importance.

1. Academics: I must confess that I really must start working harder. I'm not doing anywhere near what I'm capable of. While the first half of last year went really well, the summer semester wasn't quite as good. Besides that I really must start doing research on the colleges I need to apply to for my post-grad and start studying for the examinations.

2. The Blog: I have tried to keep the levels of updating of the blog in such a manner so that it doesn’t start getting classified as irritating spam mail that pops up ever-so often. I really cannot do too much to increase the frequency of posting because it is impossible to post something when you do not have anything to post.

I could however try and improve the quality of my posts. For that I would need your help. Please point out any errors that might have inadvertently crept into the post. Someone told me that they often noticed errors but felt it would be rude to point it out and leave it as a comment. To make things quite clear, I am fine with posts pointing out errors. Also I always have the liberty to delete the comment once the correction is made. So please feel free to comment. Apart from this I also request you to help spread the word. Please do so only if you like the blog and have friends who might like it too. (A simple way to help the cause would be to 'like' my facebook group and invite others to join it.)

3. Move beyond the past and forget regrets: The biggest regret of my life is the fact that I am not pursuing veterinary sciences as my undergrad degree. I might have a passion for saving the environment, besides worrying about climate change, pollution yada yada but my real love has always been animals, plants and insects. (Cats, dogs, snakes, butterflies, crocs, trees, flowers, grasshoppers in short everything.) Adolescence has always been a tough period of everyone's life and I guess it was the same case with me too. I made some stupid decisions then, but I must move beyond them and look ahead. Even if I might have lost the chance to be a vet, I could still study about animals and understand how they behave, their inter-relationships with the environment etc. I am still in the field of science (thankfully), and still have an opportunity to make the switch. I must do so.

4. Books: I have four books in the pipeline but just haven't found enough time in the recent past to give any of these projects justice. This year I must not let that happen. Even if no one reads them, at least I can be satisfied that I tried my best.

5. Improve my memory: I must tell you I am awful at remembering names of people. I can remember numbers, directions, facts but names, not at all. It is quite embarrassing to have to tell people, 'No I do not remember you.' Unfortunately whenever someone meets you after a long time the first question they ask is, 'Do you remember me?' Now I hate to lie, and the situation might just become worse if they ask the follow up question, 'What is my name and when did we meet before?' All you can do is give a silly lop-sided grin and hope they don't probe you too much.

6. Managing Finances: Recently someone asked me a question. 'How much do you spend in a month? 'Now all I could answer was an approximate amount. I really did not know exactly how much do I spent in a month. I am by no means a spend thrift, but it's always good to know how much you are spending.
(Approximate expenditure per month has withheld for privacy reasons)

7. Never trouble you (my reader) with information like this again: I cannot promise that won’t do this again in the future, but I can assure you that unless I feel there is some great necessity to publish posts such as these I shall refrain from doing so.

The last eleven months of blogging have been a truly wonderful experience. I look forward to many more in the future.
Thank you so much for bearing with me.
A very happy new year to you again!

All views expressed in every blog post are personal and not plagiarised. Due credits have been given at in all such instances where references have been made to works by others.

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